Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Winter in Israel

It's finally getting cold in Israel.  This is a massive change because up until last week, we were rocking out at 26 degrees Celsius in the middle of the day.  Due to those blazing hot days though I wasn't really expecting Winter and I wasn't really expecting it to be this bad.

Winter here means rain though which is a massive change from home.  Being from Brisbane, it usually rains fairly wildly in summer and then winter is mildly cold but nothing too bad.  Melbourne of course is a different story but Winter slowly rolls over so you can sort of prepare yourself for it. 

Here it is torrential flooding followed by freeze with a dash of wind.  People tell me it only lasts for a few weeks but I am freezing.  Mostly because everything I packed is super light and the houses / buildings are not built for it.  And I really mean that.  Inside feels about 20 degrees colder than outside.  Thank God for space heaters and my puffer jacket.

Anyways, that's my complain over.  My Mum is coming to visit in two weeks and I couldn't be more excited! (She's also bringing me jackets, jumpers and my fav beanie so that will help).


Thanks to DT for taking this photo - me and one
of the housemates battling the floods on Sunday.

MM x

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