Now what kind of ex-pat would I be if I didn't personally review all (but one) of the featured snacks for you. In the order that they are shown:
Milk chocolate with pop rocks: I could lie to you and tell you that I didn't consume a bar of this a week in my first two months here, but I'm not going to. I did and I don't regret a single square of it. This chocolate is perfection. It's popping candy, the world's funnest candy, married to chocolate, the world's best food ever. It's basically a chocolate party in your mouth and I wish that Cadbury / Hersheys would make a version.
Bamba: BAAAAAAAMMMBAAAAA. This is probably my fav Israeli snack. When I first had it, it wasn't really my jam but once you down two packets of the stuff, you are basically addicted for life (so much so that a few months ago I investigated whether I could even source it in Australia for my return). The best way to describe it is a cheetoh made of peanut butter. It's salty but a little sweet but basically perfect. I even got my Mum hooked when she vistied me. Oh wait, I should tell you that they sell a variety with a tiny bit of chocolate in the middle of each bamba #genius.
Falafel Bisli: I got hooked on these the last time I was in Israel but I wouldn't say they are my favourite as they are a little too crunchy for my liking; I'm more a puffed chip consumer but the flavouring is incredible. Legit, it taste like falafel. I guess I would just rather eat real falafel. It doesn't mean you shouldn't try them if you visit me.
Mocha Krembo: Now this shiz is really my jam. They only produce Krembo in the winter because it's basically an uncooked meringue but holy bagoly, it is soooo fricken good. It's a casual biscuit topped with meringue goey fluff covered in chocolate. It's also dairy free which is a bonus. There are multiple ways to eat a Krembo apparently with your chosen way telling a lot about you as a person. I usually start at the top and work my way down ending on the cookie but if I am in a particularly exciting mood I put the whole thing in the microwave where it sought of puffs up into a warmer larger Krembo. #yummmmmmm.
So, basically, where the bloody hell are you? Get your butts to Israeli so you can eat these amazing snacks with me!
MM x
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