Saturday, January 24, 2015

My views on Israeli snacks

Buzzfeed recently, as in the last two days recently, did one of their amazing food review videos on Israeli snacks aaaaaaaaaaaaand it is potentially my new favourite video / an adequate representation of my weekly shop haha.  

Now what kind of ex-pat would I be if I didn't personally review all (but one) of the featured snacks for you.  In the order that they are shown:

Milky: aka God's gift to the snack world.  Apparently Israeli kids grow up on this stuff and I can totally understand why.  The bottom is chocolate pudding that isn't too sweet and it's topped with sweetened whipped cream.  Ridiculously simple but soooooo gewd.  I discovered a new version of it yesterday where the lid comes filled with tiny raindrop meringues that you mix in.  I died and went to snack heaven. Not.even.joking.

Milk chocolate with pop rocks: I could lie to you and tell you that I didn't consume a bar of this a week in my first two months here, but I'm not going to.  I did and I don't regret a single square of it.  This chocolate is perfection.  It's popping candy, the world's funnest candy, married to chocolate, the world's best food ever. It's basically a chocolate party in your mouth and I wish that Cadbury / Hersheys would make a version.

Bamba: BAAAAAAAMMMBAAAAA.  This is probably my fav Israeli snack.  When I first had it, it wasn't really my jam but once you down two packets of the stuff, you are basically addicted for life (so much so that a few months ago I investigated whether I could even source it in Australia for my return).  The best way to describe it is a cheetoh made of peanut butter.  It's salty but a little sweet but basically perfect.  I even got my Mum hooked when she vistied me.  Oh wait, I should tell you that they sell a variety with a tiny bit of chocolate in the middle of each bamba #genius.

Falafel Bisli:  I got hooked on these the last time I was in Israel but I wouldn't say they are my favourite as they are a little too crunchy for my liking; I'm more a puffed chip consumer but the flavouring is incredible.  Legit, it taste like falafel. I guess I would just rather eat real falafel.  It doesn't mean you shouldn't try them if you visit me.

Mocha Krembo: Now this shiz is really my jam.  They only produce Krembo in the winter because it's basically an uncooked meringue but holy bagoly, it is soooo fricken good.  It's a casual biscuit topped with meringue goey fluff covered in chocolate.  It's also dairy free which is a bonus.  There are multiple ways to eat a Krembo apparently with your chosen way telling a lot about you as a person.  I usually start at the top and work my way down ending on the cookie but if I am in a particularly exciting mood I put the whole thing in the microwave where it sought of puffs up into a warmer larger Krembo. #yummmmmmm.

So, basically, where the bloody hell are you?  Get your butts to Israeli so you can eat these amazing snacks with me!

MM x

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