Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The struggle is so real - proving to people that I'm Jewish

Something happened to me the other day that has become somewhat of a common occurrence in Israel and is now part of my #dailystruggle: getting people to believe that I'm Jewish.

This is what happened:

Kid 1 to Me: "I haven't seen you in a long time, where have you been?"
Me: "I was on holidays." [I was on holidays for like 2 weeks but I've had random days off from my teacher and for New Years]
Kid 1: *confused facial expression*
Kid 2: "Oh, because of Christmas."
Kid 1: "Oh, yeah! Christmas!"
Me: "No! I don't celebrate Christmas." [I do but I didn't want to complicate things at this point]. "I'm Jewish! You know I'm Jewish right?!"
Kid 1 and 2: "Yeah, oh yeah.  Of course..."


I couldn't stop laughing though.  And this isn't the first time something like this has happened.  Kids tease my partner in crime (teaching) and me by asking us whether we eat cheeseburgers (which are defs the King of unkosher) and when we respond that we do, yell at us that we can't or that we aren't Jewish because of it.  I mean since when was eating a cheeseburger the test for whether or not you're Jewish?!

Or the number of times someone has asked me whether I'm Jewish to which I reply yes to then be asked how and why I don't live in Israel because apparently you can't live anywhere else if you're Jewish.  

As funny as it is, it has got me thinking that there is some conspiracy going on here (Government or religious) whereby Jews are told that they can't possibly live anywhere else but Israel and that if you do, you're not a real Jew or you won't survive for more than one millisecond...  But I'd strongly disagree.

But alas, I guess that's sort of the point of me being here; to teach my kids about Jewish people living throughout the world.  And as proof that I am 100% Jewish, here are some photos of me doing Jewish things:
I own a dreidel
I lit my menorah during Hanukkah
I made a Hanukkah board at school
I only buy Jewish postcards
I touched the Western Wall and felt spiritual
I take Jewish related photos
I visit Ultra-Orthodox Shuls in my spare time
Huge fan (...not) but I saw him speak one time
 M(Jew)M x

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