Today's addition is Cofix.
Cofix is a beast. It entered the coffee / cafe market with the pure intention of ruining every other coffee / cafe place out there because it sells everything at 5 shekels (approx $1.50 AUD).
That's right folks, you can get a soy coffee, half a sandwich, a cup of noodles, an ice-cream, a can of coke, a pastry, a carrot juice and basically any type of snack or drink that will satisfy your hunger for $1.50. Talk about genius!!
Anyways, I am a true Aroma fan (the best coffee chain in Israel) but in terms of Jewness and me trying to save my hard-earned lawyer savings, Cofix is a true gift and one of the things I love about Israel. (My internet research also tells me that shortly after Cofix opened in Tel Aviv, Aroma slashed it's coffee price to 8 shekels so even more reason to love Cofix!)
Living the coffee dream